A couple of days ago Andreas Zeitler joined Pinboard after I gave him access to my account and he could try out some of the features. Like me he is a user and fan of DEVONthink Pro Office. Conincidentally he uses my script for importing Pinboard bookmarks into DTPO.
Andreas discovered a couple of bugs, fixed them and submitted an updated version of the script. He added some user feedback when finished and changed keychain scripting to match more cases. He also fixed the title of the password window. Thanks!
Update: There was a minor issue with v0.2, so I just uploaded v0.3 and updated the link. Thanks again, Andreas.
Second Update: There are some encoding issues when you have special characters in your password. If the script exits with an error number, try to change your password so that it only contains alphanumeric characters. For more information read the whole thread in the DEVONtechnologies user forum.
Download DEVONthink Pro Pinboard Importer Script 0.3.
The installation instructions are still in the first post.